Todo lo que haces en Internet desde Tails pasa por la red Tor.

Tor cifra y anonimiza tu conexión pasándola a través de 3 repetidores. Los repetidores de Tor son servidores operados por diferentes personas y organizaciones en todo el mundo.

Una conexión Tor pasa por 3 repetidores y el último establece la conexión real con el destino final

No puedes acceder a Internet desde Tails hasta que estés conectado a Tor. Por ejemplo, el Navegador Tor muestra el mensaje de error El servidor proxy rechaza conexiones hasta que esté conectado a Tor.

Como Tor enruta tu tráfico de Internet a través de 3 repetidores antes de llegar a su destino, la conexión es más lenta que cuando no estás usando Tor.

Consulta nuestra documentación sobre por qué Tor es lento.

Para conectarse a la red Tor:

  1. Conéctate a una red local, cableada, Wi-Fi, o móvil.

  2. El asistente Tor Connection aparece para ayudarte a conectarte a la red Tor.

  3. Elige si deseas:

    • Conectar a Tor automáticamente

    • Ocultar a la red local que estás usando Tor

    Las implicaciones de ambos métodos se detallan a continuación.

Repetidores Tor y puentes

  • Repetidores Tor públicos

    La mayoría de las veces, tu red local no bloquea el acceso a la red Tor y puedes usar un repetidor público como tu primer repetidor Tor.

    Using a public Tor relay as your first Tor relay makes it clear to your local network that you are connecting to Tor, while still keeping your online activity secure and anonymous.

  • Puentes Tor

    Tor bridges are secret Tor relays that keep your connection to the Tor network hidden.

    Use a bridge as your first Tor relay if connecting to Tor is blocked or if using Tor could look suspicious to someone who monitors your Internet connection.

    The technology used by Tor bridges is designed to circumvent censorship where connections to Tor are blocked, for example in some countries with heavy censorship, by some public networks, or by some parental controls.

    It does so by camouflaging your connection so it cannot be recognized as a connection to Tor. As a consequence, the same technology can be used to hide that you are using Tor if it could look suspicious to someone who monitors your Internet connection.

    Los puentes de Tor suelen ser menos fiables y más lentos que los repetidores de Tor públicos.

Conectarse a Tor automáticamente

Recomendamos conectarse a Tor automáticamente si está en una red Wi-Fi pública o si muchas personas en su país usan Tor para eludir la censura.

Cuando eliges esta opción:

  1. First, Tails synchronizes the clock of the computer automatically, because a correct time is needed to be able to connect to the Tor network.

    Tails learns the current time by connecting to the captive portal detection service of Fedora, which is used by most Linux distributions. This connection does not go through the Tor network and is an exception to our policy of only making Internet connections through the Tor network.

    If you choose instead to hide that you are connecting to Tor, you might have to fix the computer clock manually.

  2. If Tails fails to synchronize the clock because you have to sign in to the network using a captive portal, an error screen is displayed that helps you do so.

    For detailed instructions, see how to sign in to the network using a captive portal.

  3. Then, Tails tries different ways of connecting to Tor until it succeeds:

    1. Tails tries to connect to Tor directly using public relays, without using a bridge.

    2. Tails tries to connect to Tor using one of the default bridges, already included in Tails, if connecting using public relays fails.

    3. If public relays and default bridges don't work, Tails asks you to configure a custom bridge, if connecting using the default bridges fails.

Alguien que esté monitoreando tu conexión a Internet podría identificar estos intentos como provenientes de un usuario de Tails.

Ocultar a la red local que estás usando Tor

You might need to go unnoticed if using Tor could look suspicious to someone who monitors your Internet connection.

Cuando eliges esta opción, Tails solo se conectará a Tor después de configurar un puente de Tor personalizado. Los puentes son repetidores de Tor secretos que ocultan que te estás conectando a Tor.

It is impossible to hide to the websites that you visit that you are using Tor, because the list of exit nodes of the Tor network is public.

Our team is doing its best to help you connect to Tor using the most discreet types of Tor bridges. That is why, when you decide to hide that you are connecting to Tor:

  • Tails does not automatically detect whether you have to sign in to the network using a captive portal.

  • Default bridges are not available.

    Para conocer otros puentes de Tor, tienes varias opciones que se enumeran a continuación.

    None of these options is easy to do from Tails, so we recommend that you learn about several bridges from your regular computer before starting Tails and store the bridge lines in a text document on separate USB stick.

    Después de reiniciar Tails, puedes copiar una de estas líneas de puente desde esta otra memoria USB a Conexión Tor.

    Incluso alguien que conoce tu puente no puede saber lo que estás haciendo en línea desde Tails.


      Puedes resolver un CAPTCHA en

      Recomendamos hacerlo desde otra red local si quieres ocultar que te estás conectando a Tor.

    • Correo electrónico

      You can send an empty email to from a Gmail or Riseup email address.

      Enviar el correo electrónico revela a Gmail o Riseup que estás intentando conectarte a Tor pero no a alguien que monitorice tu conexión a Internet.

    • Telegram

      Puedes enviar el mensaje /bridges a @GetBridgesBot en Telegram.

  • You can only use the types of bridges that our team considers discreet enough.

    Currently in Tails, only obfs4 bridges hide that you are using Tor.

To save the last Tor bridge that connected to Tor successfully, turn on the Tor Bridge feature of the Persistent Storage.

In the future, we will make it easier to use a custom bridge by:

  • Allowing you to request a bridge from Tails by solving a CAPTCHA. (#15331)
  • Supporting snowflake bridges. (#5494)

Troubleshooting connecting to Tor

Viewing the status of Tor

The status of Tor appears as an onion icon in the notification area:

  • Onion icon You are connected to Tor.

  • Onion icon that is crossed
out You are not connected to Tor.

To view the list of Tor circuits that are used by your different applications, click on the Tor status icon and choose View Tor Circuits. Learn more about managing Tor circuits.